Mission statement
“Our Purpose: We support the success of women in Bahrain.
Our Mission: We are committed to empowering women to achieve success on their own terms. We strive to provide opportunities for women to connect with and support each other. We aim to deliver workshops that contribute to the personal and professional development of our members, meeting their needs at the right time in the right way.
Our Vision: We shape the future of women in Bahrain by providing opportunities for development, fostering valuable connections, and facilitating member success through academic and career growth.
Our Values:
We recognize and promote one another.
We pursue growth and learning.
We support each other.
We mentor each other.
We respect each other.
A forward-thinking, inspiring organization, AFKARECH supports and celebrates the growth and success of all members. We are proud to be the first female think tank in Bahrain”.
Utilizing Skills of Members
Although other societies exist, Afkarech has a different concept as it intends to utilize the skills of group members by teaching and guiding each other. Members will conduct presentations and skill workshops to teach other members in the network. This helps both parties as the presenter will gain experience and confidence and the presenters will gain new information and skills. By using this methodology, it is essentially women helping women which is the primary goal of Afkarech – women empowering each other. Two short workshops were conducted to test the viability of this. One workshop was in fitness/mental health and one workshop was in life coaching. The workshops were successful and we will been having more soon.
Think Tank
If someone has an idea it is discussed and members offer help to get it to its fruition. It is always great when you have an idea to be able to share it in a safe environment that is confidential and get feedback on a concept. Often an idea shared will be one previously executed by a member and their experience can be invaluable. In essence Afkarech can act as a focus group. We are also currently undertaking research into lives for women in Bahrain and how they feel they can be improved.
It is important for Afkarech to undertake a project to help the young women in Bahrain. We would really like to create a “Mentor Motivation Program”. The program will target young women from 18-23 years of age who are engaged in full time or part time study. Often young women find themselves studying subjects they had anticipated to be different or the study area is executed differently in reality this can lead to drop out with no professional qualifications. Afkarech aims to target these women by allowing them to shadow members, apprenticeships, discussing difficulties with members who might already be in that field and offer them support. The members will be committed to the development and growth of the young woman they decide to mentor and be qualified to teach them this knowledge. The founder will be responsible for ensuring this is taking place and both mentor and mentee are happy with the progression. *COMING SOON
As women is it important we network and support each other. Afkarech aims to bring women together to make good connections whether it be personally or professionally. Afkarech members need to be over eighteen years of age but aside from that members can be any age group, nationality, employed or unemployed. We aim to use the skills within the group before outsourcing so in essence utilizing the businesses within the group first. Historically we know the difficulties women have faced in business and this support is very important. Hence aiding their businesses by providing consumers.
Workshops/Further Education
Some trainers and lecturers have approached to give their services pro-Bono to help benefit the members and their progression which is something we are very grateful for and hope to explore further. Tamkeen has also been helpful to us and recently allowed members to attend to courses.
Directory of members
Once Afkarech grows in members, the idea is to have an online directory that link to members businesses and profiles. This will only be applicable to members who which to avail of this service. It is a free marketing tool and could help bring in clients and raise awareness of their businesses.
Media Awareness
We aim to get awareness for our members and their projects and promote it by creating good relationships with media organisations and outlets. Secondly creating events via advertising to bring more awareness to our members and other organisations we liaise with in Bahrain.
“The idea of interacting with other strong women was enticing to me I thought it would broaden my professional as well as the social network. I was not disappointed. The members of Afkarech are intelligent, confident and empathetic women who I felt instantly connected with. I sensed at the very first meeting that this was a group of women who would lift each other up and work towards a better society. I am sure Afkarech will be extremely successful in its mission to empower the women of the Kingdom of Bahrain”.
“My reason for joining Afkarech was primarily its name that translates to “your ideas”. John Gray wrote an entire book on the need for women to share ideas….to be heard and to be understood; instead of each idea being processed as a problem to be solved. Afkarech gives the women of Bahrain a safe in which they can share ideas, thoughts and aspirations with a diverse group of strong ladies who can collectively pull each other to newer heights. I strongly believe that Afkarech has opened new doors, to not only share moments and thoughts but to make new friends that will last a life time”.
“Afkarech is about girl power. Here we support each other and make incredible things happen!”
“Afkarech is a social enterprise to help women empowerment. A Place where women entrepreneurs and influencers to meet, connect and support each other in an atmosphere of fun. Where ideas are brainstormed and given life”
“I started Afkarech in December 2017 I had been working in mental health for nearly a decade. I tried to find a society or group of women that offered support for women like myself and I couldn’t find one. I remember having this discussion with someone who has always been my support system and the advice was simple why don’t you create one? After giving it, some thought it was full steam ahead and I honestly have not looked back. I hope by setting up this network it will encourage women in education, help them gain confidence to pursue their dreams, realise their potential and motivate women to start helping each other more. I did not realise that the network would help me – I found a group of women that were funny, intelligent, encouraging, welcoming and overall just brought me joy to be around. I really feel honoured to get to know them and be around them. I am excited to see where Afkarech will go and what the future will hold”.
“I first joined this group because I firmly believe that behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women cheering her on. Additionally, it was a way to meet other women, exchange ideas and knowledge”.
“Afkarech is a genuine platform to empower women in all aspects. Our founder will save no effort even beyond her area and direct influence to let all of us in the group fill in our gaps and shine. It is inspiring soil for the kind and helpful skills to evolve and brought to light”.
“I joined Afkarech as it is an open and supportive network for women of all background to share ideas and build their skills in a comfortable and encouraging environment”.
"فكرة التفاعل مع النساء الاخريات الأقوياء هي التي جذبتني، واعتقدت انها ستوسع دائرة علاقاتي الاجتماعية والمهنية، ولم يخب ظني. أعضاء "أفكارج" هم نساء ذكيات ويتمتعن بالثقة بالنفس ومتعاطفات حيث شعرت على الفور بالتعلق بهن. شعرت من الجلسة الأولى ان هذه المجموعة من النساء يدعمن بعضهن البعض ويعملن من أجل مجتمع أفضل. إنني متأكدة من أن "أفكارج" ستكون ناجحة للغاية في مهمتها المتمثلة في تمكين النساء في مملكة البحرين."
"كان السبب الأساسي الذي دفعني للانضمام إلى "أفكارج" هو الاسم. حيث كتب جون غراي كتابا كاملا عن حاجة النساء للمشاركة بأفكارهن... ليتم سماعهن وفهمهن؛ بدلاً من معالجة كل فكرة كمشكلة يجب حلها. تمنح "أفكارج" نساء البحرين الأمان ليتشاركن الأفكار والتطلعات مع مجموعة متنوعة من النساء القويات اللواتي يستطعن الوصول الى آفاق جديدة مع بعضهن البعض. أعتقد اعتقاداً راسخاً أن "أفكارج" فتحت أبواباً جديدة ليس لمشاركة اللحظات والأفكار فقط، بل لتكوين صداقات جديدة تدوم مدى الحياة."
"أفكارج" تتمحور حول قوة الفتاة. نحن هنا ندعم بعضنا البعض ونحقق أموراً مذهلة!"
" "أفكارج" مؤسسة اجتماعية تساعد على تمكين المرأة، وهو مكان تلتقي فيه صاحبات المشاريع والنساء المؤثرات وتتواصلن وتدعمن بعضهن البعض في جو من المرح، حيث يتم تبادل الأفكار وانجازها."
" أنشأت "أفكارج" في ديسمبر 2017، بينما كنت أعمل في مجال الصحة العقلية منذ نحو عقد من الزمان. حاولت أن أجد مجتمعًا أو مجموعة من النساء تقدم الدعم للنساء مثلي ولم أجد واحدة. أتذكر إجراء هذا النقاش مع شخص كان دائمًا يدعمني وكانت النصيحة بسيطة: لماذا لا تنشئي المجموعة بنفسك؟ اعتقد البعض أن الأمر يتطلب الكثير من الطاقة والإرادة وأنا بصراحة لم أفكر قط في التراجع. آمل من خلال إنشاء هذه الشبكة أنها تسهم في تشجيع النساء في التعليم، ومساعدتهن على كسب الثقة لتحقيق أحلامهن، وإدراك إمكاناتهن وتحفيزهن على البدء في مساعدة بعضهن البعض. إلا أنني لم أكن أدرك أن الشبكة ستساعدني -لقد وجدت مجموعة من النساء ذوات حس فكاهة وذكيات ومشجعات وودودات وبصفة عامة أسعدني التواجد حولهن. أشعر حقًا بالفخر لتعرفي عليهن وتواجدي معهن. أنا متحمسة لرؤية إلى أين ستصل "أفكارج" وماذا يخبأ لها المستقبل."
"انضممت إلى هذه المجموعة في البداية لأنني أؤمن إيمانا راسخا بأن وراء كل امرأة ناجحة قبيلة من النساء الناجحات الأخريات اللواتي يشجعنها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كانت طريقة للتعرف على نساء أخريات وتبادل الأفكار والمعرفة."
"أفكارج" هي منصة حقيقية لتمكين المرأة في جميع الجوانب. لن تدخر القائمة على المؤسسة أي جهد لتحويل كل من في المجموعة أناساً فعالين ومتألقين. إنه المكان المناسب لتطوير المهارات المفيدة واكتشافها."
"انضممت إلى "أفكارج" لأنها شبكة مفتوحة وداعمة للنساء من جميع الخلفيات لتبادل الأفكار وبناء مهاراتهن في بيئة مريحة ومشجعة."
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